INGRID BLIX                                                                                                                                                     

Dimensions Variable
Handcasted bronzeplate made from old coins, pigmented walls, pollen seeds, found objects, storage space, caution tape

This place holds a placelessness, it has regulations
 and one of the walls does not reach to the ceiling. 
This place is not featured in the floor plan of the building but
 is used as a storage and emergency route.
 Even though the room does not exist, it still has a place and it is located here.
It has been given a name by the property staff, Blindtarmen (Appendix).

Photo: Caroline Nord


185x165x95 cm & 180x120x165 cm
Ceiling panels of wood wool mixed with cement and water in suspended aluminum frame

The acoustics in a room can be good or bad, it depends on the user. 
These sculptures consist of two suspended aluminum grids reminiscent of an 
inner ceiling. They are prominent in the room but their functionality is put out of play, 
number 2 matches the height of the artist.
 The room’s acoustics and enclosure are fragmented. 

‘Swift as Thought!’ 
Variable Dimensions
Collaborative exhibition w/ Oda Haugerud
Contact mic, mixer, speakerelements, metal casts, walnut water, sour milk

The exhibition provokes what is interior and exterior
 through site-specific interventions. Physical components leak and are in transformation 
in the gallery space. The intervention takes shape through stains, 
displaced sound and casts of negative by-products.

Photo:  Lars Nordby

50x60x40 cm
Replica of an Animal Hotel as seen at Schiphol Airport: pvc-curtain, sheet metal, galvanized metal vent, rubber wheels

Through the window with the half-closed blinds at Schipol Airport, I saw something peculiar
 with my early morning, half-closed eyes.
It looked like an ambulant theatre but it was only 60-70 cm in height.
 It was a metal box on wheels, with a tilted roof and an air-vent. 
Blue, thick plastic made out the fourth wall, it looked like a theatre curtain.
 On one of the short-sides there was a note that read: “ANIMAL HOTEL''. 

04:00 min, 10x10 cm
Contact-mic recording of drain-pipes in the building, a former telephone factory, manipulated sound, metalbracket and speaker, looped every 20 minutes
Poster from archived document of a consonant analysis of the former telephone factory. 
(Omkopplingar: Avskrifter, Listor, Dokument, Arkiv (med särskilt avseende på Midsommarkransen-Telefonplan), p.544, Cecilia Grönberg, Jonas J Magnusson, Glänta Produktion 2006)

60x120 cm, set of 10
Hand-dyed silk with the residues of rust, lichen, birch leaves, eucalyptus, coins; acoustic panels (stone-fiber mineral wool), custom metal brackets

300x300 cm
Historic coins (oxidated, worn out beyond recognition), decaying rose hip fruits, lonely buttons

The different objects are laid out on the floor in a formation reminiscent of a children’s game, there is possibly one or several
logics to how the objects are placed and it is unclear whether it is in the middle of a game and if it has a winner.
 The etymology of the title, giro, dates back to ancient Greek’s word for circle and is today used in circulation of money.

300x60 cm
pulleys, porcelain, carbine hooks, schakles, rope, dried leafs, metal chains

The pulley is sometimes included as the sixth one of five in the system of simple machines
 where solely one source of power is used, at the cost of longer distance.
 Most of the objects and materials included in this sculpture seem to be inseparable from utility,
 although that can also be questioned.
The rubber springs are casted in porcelain, the dried leaf is held up by what also made a hole through it.

Dimensions Variable
Fragment of political campaign poster, casted concrete from negative of heelshoes, gravel, crumpled wet newspapers

Ingrid Blix (SE 1990)

2021-2023   Master of Fine Art (120 hp) Konstfack University, Stockholm Swe
2015 -2019  Bachelor of Fine Art (240 hp) Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL
2013 -2015  Textile Art & Clothes, Stenebyskolan, Dals Långed  Swe

2024   Upcoming: Solo at Alta Art Space, Malmö Swe
2024.  STRATA, solo - Nejd Art Space, Göteborg, Swe 
2023   ‘Swift as thought!’ (Duo exhibition with Oda Huagerud), Heerz Tooya, Veliko Tarnovo, BU
2023   gagg babb dadd, solo - Galleri Konstfack, Stockholm, Swe
2023   Hayfever, Hall Gallery, Göteborg, Swe
2023   Konstfack Spring exhibition, Konstfack Stockholm, Swe
2022   June Thickens, Kvarnvikens Kvarn, Stockholm, Swe
2022   Cherry Picking Principles, Norra Ulvsunda, Swe
2022    MFA 1 Exhibition, Konstfack, Stockholm, Swe
2021   Hägerstens Medborgarhus, Stockholm, Swe
2020   POWER - Globe Gallery, Oranienburg Berlin, DE
2020   Earth Flax - Ride or Die 2, Göteborg, Swe
2019   Hybreed - Ride or Die, Göteborg, Swe
2019   Mouth Pond - Ingrid Blix & David Noro, Tilde Gallery, Amsterdam, NL 
2019   Graduation Show, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
2019   Polly’s Wood, Goleb Gallery, Amsterdam, NL 
2019   Take a Walk on the Wild side- Fabulating Alternative Imaginaries in Art & Life -
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL 
2018   Titanic - Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL 
2018   Noisy Walls - Offsite house cellar, Amsterdam, NL 
2017   Gut Fauna - Cultureel Centrum Fijnhout, Amsterdam, NL 

2024.  Ringön Lost & Found, Nejd Art Space. Göteborg Swe
2023   JAI Institute of Artistic Practice - Tabakalera San Sebastián, Artium - Modern Museum of the Basque Country, Jorge Oteiza Museum, Spain
2023   ARV.International, Vishovgrad, Bulgaria
2020   Grabowsee, Oranienburg, Berlin Germany

2023   Assistant Grant - Swedish Art Grant Committee 
2023   JAI - Institute of Practices Scholarship
2023   Konstfack scholarship for well executed studies
2023   August Ringér scholarship
2022   Hvitfeldska Stipendiet
2021   Swedish Art Grants Committee 
2021   Carl Erik Lévin 
2019   August Ringér scholarship ’19
2019   Malmö Industristipendium ’19

2024   Art assistant for Goldin+Senneby
2021 - ongoing, Art pedagog & host - Moderna Museet Stockholm)
2019-21  Art handler - Röda Sten Konsthall & Göteborg Biennal for Contemporary Art